Sunday, February 6, 2011

secrets of long life

Living a long life is not a coincedence.It doesnt only depend on your genes but also on good habits.Long time ago people didnt usually have the chance to live a long life,they used to live untill the age of 60 or 65.But now everything is changed.People started living until 80 and 90 years old.Scientests have discovered alot of reasons why people nowadays live longer and some of these reasons are because people now know the effects of somking,they started eating healthy food and off course the disovery of many medicines.

First of all,it has been proven that people who live longer do not smoke.That is because smoking leads to 87% of lung cancers and many other cancers,for example;voice box,throught,kidney and alot more.And they also stay away from people who somke so that they wont get affected too.

Secondly,eating healthy food is one of the most important reasons why people started living longer.Several years ago people used to eat whatever tasted good and they couldnt know if its good for their health or not.But nowadays,everything is clear for us.You can easliy know what are the effects of what you are eating.And some of the advantages of eating healthy food that it increase blood flow and decrease the risk of having cancer and heart disease.

Furthermore,nowadays,there have been many discoveries in the medical field.And there is probably for every disease a cure.Therefore,not alot of people are dying from diseases.So people now have more chances to live than people who lived in the past.

In short,from the reason mentioned above,people started living a longer life.So if you want to have the chance to see your grandchildren then you have to abide by the information given.It has been proven by scientests.

1 comment:

  1. nice writing abdullah you really impressed me. It is real that nowadays people started to take a good care of their selves. i think it is important that people should be aware of what they are doing and i think that your point of view is correct 100%. I wish that everybody does not smoke and everybody is eating healthy food and of course they should take their medicine on time if they have anything even you Abdullah you should take care of your self as will as people do. Your article is really important for everybody to read and not to skip your point of view.
