Friday, February 25, 2011

Eid Al-Fitr

Eid Al-Fitr is one of the most important celebration for Muslim people all around the world. Its only three days and it’s after Ramadan;that is, the month that every Muslim fast from sunrise until sunset.Its called Eid Al-Fitr because its the festival of fast breaking.It falls on the first day of Shawwal,the month which follows Ramadan in the Islamic calender.Before the day of Eid every Muslim family donates a determined amount of donation to the poor people ;for example,rice dates,bread...just to make sure that the poor people will have a great holiday like we do.This donation is called ‘Sadaqat Alfitr’.Usually in Arab countries,all three days of Eid is a holiday for all schools and governments and some companies.There are a lot of things that we do on Eid Al-fitr;for instance,on the first day of Eid Al-Fitr,all Muslims meet in the early morning in the mosque to perform the Eid prayer.After that,we visit our families and friends and we also give gifts specially for children.Lastly,when we go back home,we call our relatives that are in different countries to wish them a happy holiday.In short,Eid Al-fitr is one of the most important and amazing holidays for Muslims.


  1. Thank you abdullah for reminding me of this topic .
    i really miss it and i wish that it comes fast . just to add that we wait for this Eid because old people usually give us money when we where young >
    this Eid is something that we should be proud of and wish that days we do
    things that children and relatives will not forget.
    Giving money for poor is really important but not for any poor people because their are a lot of people nowadays that has money but they pretend to be poor so that they get more money .
    i really enjoy my time in thoes three days in meeting friends and meet different relatives that i did not knew from before.

  2. Hi Abdullah, I really liked your topic :)
    As you know Eid Al-Fitr is the famous holiday in Arabic countries , so that means the Eid is important for every Muslim . Also, when we were child, we used to receive money from old people .

    I really miss the Eid with my family and friends , as you know last two Eid i wasn't with my family and that was hard for me to be a far from family at that time.

    thanks Abdullah :)

    see you soon =)

  3. Hi Abduallah,

    this is really intersting blog. Eid Alfiter is the best holyday in the year for me from when I was child for the same reason that you said. I like it because we meet all our relitives and have fun with them. Also, I like to eat much candy in that hollyday. What I like most is when we go to watch the fireworks and when we play with it. However, this Eid i I spent it here because of that I realy miss my family and my friends. But I like it here because all saudis and other arabs cilebrated this day here an it was fun.

    Again it was really nice article

    your friend
    Ryan :)
