Tuesday, May 3, 2011



     Every high school student look forward to study in a big university , they usually compare the schools in   academic  criteria , leaving all the social and psychological elements which are important to have a successful  college life. However, one of the important things that help the student study  is the type of residents. Many students choose the typical dormitory because they are cheap comparing to an apartments and they are usually inside the campus which makes it the perfect choice for the student who seeks a college life and want to know more people. Furthermore , freshman students (first year student ) are the most to get a benefits from a dormitory because they are new and most of them don’t have a friends.

First, universities always try to make everything easy to the students therefore.The dorm rates are always reasonable for the students also the meal plan and other health care are provided by the university ;however, ,students complain  sometimes  from what the dorms look like ,they claim that the rooms are dirty and the beds are so small ,they even compare it with a person cell ,for my opinion it is possible to find some bad dormitories but in the other hand there are many  perfect –well designed  dorms but the students should ask about the dorms status before they apply to the university housing ,in case the dorm were very bad ,there are a lot of alternatives  such as apartments ,home stay and rooms rental .
Secondly, student should know that university is not the place to relax and enjoy, universities construct the dorms to fit the big numbers of the student who got accepted each year that is why they put two to four student per room; however,  students can pay more money to get a better room or less number of  students per room.

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